Union Agreements Result In 2.25% Pay Increase

“I rise today to share the outcome of successful negotiations with our largest Union partners,” Premier David Burt said in the House of Assembly today [June 30], explaining that “while the conditions associated with each agreement may vary,” a 2.25% increase was agreed upon.

The Premier said, “The Government of Bermuda has seven Collective Bargaining Agreements and/or instruments that set out conditions of employment with six Union partners or Associations representing around 4,400 or so public officers.

“Most Agreements expired in 2020 and included a survival provision. Negotiations commenced in 2022 with all partners except the Bermuda Police Association.

“Negotiations concluded in May 2023 with Bermuda Industrial Union [BIU] and the Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] [for general staff], and in June 2023 with the Bermuda Union of Teachers [BUT].

“While the conditions associated with each agreement may vary, I am pleased to report to this Honourable House, the principal wages and salaries agreement reached resulted in the following:

“Collective bargaining remains a work in progress with The Bermuda Public Service Unions for Principals and the Fire Services Association. I can report that negotiations between the Government of Bermuda and the Prison Officers Association has been referred to the Department of Labour for conciliation.

“During this month of June government employees have been awarded their negotiated uplift and a payment schedule has been set out that will see employees receive their back-pay prior to the end of July 2023. In fact, the Bermuda Industrial Union members have already received their emoluments.

“The total cost to the Government in back pay, ex-gratia payment, and increases for employees represented by the three Unions is estimated to be in the region of $19.4M, that is $4.4M for BIU member employees; $13.1M for BPSU member employees and $1.9M for BUT member employees.

“Identifying the funds to support the new agreement has been a challenge however the Government is determined to ensure its cost of living increase commitment falls within the existing budget allocation for fiscal 2023/24.”

The Premier’s full statement follows below:

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