Restaurant Start-Up Guide

ALTHOUGH IT MIGHT NOT BE QUITE AS EASY AS IT LOOKS, millions of people dream of opening their own restaurants. For anyone wanting a piece of the restaurant action, take heed: Smart planning up front can spell the difference between a successful launch and a money-losing nightmare.

Take it from two restaurant and business start-up pros. Use their proven tips and timelines to plan right and move forward with profitable long-term operations. This all-new edition of The Restaurant Start-Up Guide focuses on specific what-to-do and when-to-do-it advice for opening a restaurant. Following the wise counsel and practical insights in this preliminary planner, nearly anyone can open the doors of his or her own eatery within a year. Better yet, he or she will be putting sound business and financial principles in place so the doors will remain open two years or ten years down the road.

Complete with resources, timelines, sample financials, facilities checklists, and more, the would-be restaurateur can be up and running in 12 months. In addition, he or she will be able to:

-- Determine the restaurant's focus, target market, and best location.

-- Create additional revenue streams by adding catering to the plan.

-- Use technology, including the Internet and e-mail, to power up restaurant sales.

Об авторе (2001)

David H. “Andy” Bangs, Jr., is a longtime entrepreneur, founder of Upstart Publishing Company, bestselling author, and former banker. Calling himself “Writer, Sailor, Appreciator” (not necessarily in that order), Bangs’s genial insights on building businesses have made him one of the most sought-after experts on business planning. From his home base on the coast of New England, he has penned such perennial business classics as The Business Planning Guide and The Start-Up Guide and has coauthored numerous others.

Библиографические данные

Название Restaurant Start-Up Guide
Kaplan Financial Series
Авторы Peter Rainsford , David H. Bangs
Издание: исправленное
Издатель Dearborn, 2001
ISBN 1574101374, 9781574101379
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 201
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan