A credit card is more than just a way to borrow money. Sure, it’s a convenient way to make purchases both big and small, but it can also help build your credit score, manage your finances, and add security to your transactions – all within an interest-free grace period. Also, most credit cards also offer different benefits like rewards points, cash back statement credits or exclusive offers and insurances. If you’re interested in applying for a credit card online but don’t know where to start, here’s a few things to consider.
A credit card can unlock a world of freedom from shopping online with ease, to giving you a safe and reliable way to make purchases, wherever you are. Some of our cards also offer additional benefits just for being a cardholder. You could earn points, cash back credits, or gain access to special insurances, exclusive offers and unique experiences (opens in new window) . There’s more to RBC credit cards than you might expect.
Before you’re approved for credit cards, loans, and mortgages, lenders look closely at your credit rating. Why? Because your credit score (opens in new window) is a good indicator of whether you’re likely to pay back the money you’ve borrowed. Premium cards tend to require higher credit scores to be approved, so make sure you’re aware of your credit score before applying to avoid your application being declined. When you’re approved for a credit card that matches your financial situation and use it responsibly (opens in new window) , it can help you build and improve your credit score (opens in new window) for future borrowing needs.
Car broken down? Emergency vet bill? If an expense pops up unexpectedly, you may not have the cash on hand to pay at that exact moment. Having a credit card can provide security and peace of mind to help cover unwelcome surprises, and the grace period lets you make purchases for the services you need, when you need them.
With your RBC credit card or mobile wallet, you can be confident in a secure, contactless payment system that keeps you in control, both in-store and online. And if your card is ever lost or stolen (opens in new window) , you can log in to RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app to immediately lock your card (opens in new window) to prevent any future charges. If you’ve taken care to protect your credit card, account information, and passwords (including pins, access codes and CVC’s) you’re covered against any fraudulent or unauthorized use of your card—both in-store and online.
Are you a frequent traveler or a bargain shopper? Do you want access to exclusive offers with specific brands? Think about what kinds of purchases you regularly make and what features are most important to you. You can apply from a variety of card types including travel, Avion Rewards, cash back , low interest, no fee and student credit cards that offer a variety of offers, discounts and insurances. All RBC credit cards offer purchase security and extended warranty insurance on your purchases, while select cards also include premium insurance coverage such as mobile device insurance, trip cancellation, rental car insurance, emergency medical coverage and more. Use our card compare tool to see which cards offer the features that are best for you.
That depends on your budget and what benefits are valuable to you. Some credit cards charge an annual fee, but typically offer more offers and insurance coverage. There are also options like the RBC Rewards+ Visa or RBC Cash Back Mastercard that provide great benefits with no annual fee. Be aware of additional fees and charges including interest, cash advance and over limit fees, and additional costs for a second cardholder. You can use the credit card compare tool to match the features, fees and extra coverages that will work for you.
When you don’t pay your monthly statement on time, the balance is charged interest until you pay the outstanding amount. Owing interest can add up quickly, making it harder to pay off your bill in full. When possible, it’s best to pay your bill in full to avoid interest charges. But if you tend to carry a balance each month, you may want to apply for a card with a lower interest rate to help minimize extra fees. Some types of transactions like cash advances also charge interest from the date they are taken out. If you’re likely to use cash advances or carry a balance, make sure you’re aware of the interest rate when applying for a credit card.
Some of our premium cards require a minimum personal or household income. To increase your chances of being approved for the card you’re applying for, look for a card that matches your financial situation.
RBC offers unsecured credit cards that let you make purchases within your credit limit, without requiring a deposit in return. Use our credit card selector to help choose a credit card that best fits your needs. Secured credit cards require a deposit to be approved and are designed for borrowers who don’t have a strong credit score or credit history.
RBC makes it easy to apply for the credit card that best suits your needs. It’s quick, easy, and secure. To give yourself the best chance of being approved, make sure you meet all the card requirements before submitting your application.